Complete List of Papers

  • Demo: Reactive Interference Management in a Radio Dynamic Zone
    Aarushi Sarbhai, D. M. Johnson, K. Webb, K. Gifford, Sneha Kumar Kasera, J. E. Van der Van der Merwe, N. Patwari, B. Pearce, O. R. Collaco, A. Aradhya, S. Tschimben, S. Llosa, G. Weihe, D. DeBoer, W. Farah, A. Pollak, M. Ruzindana, C. Forrester and B. Stover
    IEEE DySPAN, May 2024.

    Mobile and Wireless Research on the POWDER Platform
    Joe Breen, Jonathon Duerig, Eric Eide, Mike Hibler, David Johnson, Sneha Kumar Kasera, Dustin Maas, Alex Orange, Neal Patwari, Robert Ricci, David Schurig, Leigh Stoller, Kobus Van der Merwe, Kirk Webb, Gary Wong
    ACM MobiSys, June 2021.

    Cost-Effective Crowdsensing: Spectrum Monitoring with Sitara
    J. Phillip Smith, A. Luong, S. Sarkar, H. Singh, N. Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, K. Derr, and S. Ramirez, In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Sensor Systems Workshops (MASSW), November 2019.

    Bit Extraction from Received Signal Strength
    J. Croft, N. Patwari, and Sneha K. Kasera
    Demonstration paper
    In the 16th ACM Sigmobile International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), September 2010.

    Secret Key Extraction in MIMO-Like Sensor Networks Using Wireless Signal Strength
    S. N. Premnath, Sneha K. Kasera, and N. Patwari
    Poster paper, in the 15th ACM Sigmobile International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), September 2009.
    Won the third prize in the Student Research Competition, also selected for ACM-wide Student Research Competition.

    An Application Centric Approach to Emulation Internet Paths
    J. Duerig, R. Ricci, J. Zhang, Sneha K. Kasera and Jay Lepreau
    Poster paper
    In the 3rd Usenix Symposium on Network System Design and Implementation (NSDI), April 2006.

    Towards a Composable Transport Protocol: TCP Without Congestion Control
    B. Xin, R. Kempter and Sneha K. Kasera
    Poster paper
    In ACM Sigcomm Conference, August 2004.

    Robust Rate-based Congestion Control
    G. Gopalakrishnan and Sneha K. Kasera
    Poster paper
    ACM Sigcomm Conference, August 2002.
    Abstract published in ACM Computer Communication Review, Vol. 32, No.3, July 2002.

  • Statistical and Neural Network for Real Sensor-Data-Driven Anomaly Detection in Nuclear Applications
    Imtiaz Nasim, Vivek Agarwal, Joshua E. Daw, Mingyue Ji, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    Accepted to appear in Proceedings of the 2024 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP), June 2024.

    Localizing Spectrum Offenders Using Crowdsourcing
    F. Mitchell, P. Smith, S. Sarkar, A. Bhaskara, N. Patwari, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    Accepted chapter in Network Security Empowered by Artificial Intelligence, Springer, June 2024.

    Reactive Spectrum Sharing with Radio Dynamic Zones
    Aarushi Sarbhai, F. Mitchell, A. Bhaskara, J. E. Van der Merwe, N. Patwari, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), May 2024.

    Utilizing Confidence in Localization Predictions for Improved Spectrum Management
    Frost Mitchell, Jie Wang, Aditya Bhaskara, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), May 2024.

    Two Measure is Two Know: Calibration-free Full Duplex Monitoring for Software Radio Platforms
    J. Wang, J. Gornet, A. Orange, L. Stoller, G. Wong, J. E. Van der Merwe, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and N. Patwari
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), May 2024.

    POWDER-RDZ: Prototyping a Radio Dynamic Zone Using the POWDER Platform
    D. Johnson, D. Maas, S. Sadik, A. Orange, L. Stoller, K. Webb, M. Awan, J. Bills, M. Gomez, A. Sarabhai, G. Durgin, Sneha Kumar Kasera, N.Patwari, D. Schurig, J. E. Van der Merwe
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), May 2024. Best Paper Award

    On Passive Privacy-Preserving Exposure Notification using Hash Collisions
    P. Smith, S. Sarkar, N. Patwari, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 9, no. 9, pages 16134-16147, May 2024.

    Digital Spectrum Twins for Enhanced Spectrum Sharing and Other Radio Applications
    S. Tadik, K.M. Graves, M.A. Varner, C. Anderson, D. Johnson, Sneha Kumar Kasera, N. Patwari, J. Van der Merwe, G. Durgin
    IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, October 2023.

    Learning-Based Techniques for Transmitter Localization: A Case Study on Model Robustness
    Frost Mitchell, Neal Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Aditya Bhaskara
    In the Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communication, and Networking (SECON), September 2023.
    Ranked among the top-3 papers.

    Exploring Adversarial Attacks on Learning-Based Localization
    Frost Mitchell, Phillip Smith, Aditya Bhaskara, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning (WiseML), June 2023.

    A Novel Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning-enabled Distributed Power Allocation Scheme for mmWave Cellular Networks
    Xiang Zhang, Arupjyoti Bhuyan, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Mingyue Ji
    In Proceedings of IEEE ICC 2023 Fifth International Workshop on Data Driven Intelligence for Networks and Systems (DDINS), May 2023.

    Distributed Power Allocation for 6-GHz Unlicensed Spectrum Sharing via Multi-agent Deep Reinforcement Learning
    Xiang Zhang, Arupjyoti Bhuyan, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Mingyue Ji
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), April 2023.

    A Novel Software Defined Radio for Practical, Mobile Crowdsourced Spectrum Sensing
    Phillip Smith, A. Luong, Shamik Sarkar, Harsimran Singh, Aarti Singh, Neal Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Kurt Derr
    In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 22, pages 1289 – 1300, March 2023.

    Spectrum Usage Analysis and Prediction Using Long Short-term Memory Networks
    Anneswa Ghosh, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and J. Van der Merwe
    In Proceedings of International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, January 2023.

    AviSense: A Real-time System for Detection, Classification, and Analysis of Aviation Signals
    A. Baset, C. Becker, K. Derr, S. Sarkar, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    Selected for presentation at ACM SenSys, November 2022.
    In ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, vol. 19, no. 1, pages 1-35, December 2022.

    Uncoordinated Spectrum Sharing in Millimeter Wave Networks Using Carrier Sensing
    Shamik Sarkar, Xiang Zhang, Arupjyoti Bhuyan, Mingyue Ji, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol. 21, no. 10, pages 8368-8384, October 2022.

    Digital Spectrum Twinning for Next-Generation Spectrum Management and Metering
    G.D. Durgin, M. A. Varner, N. Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and J. Van Der Merwe
    Digital Spectrum Twinning Workshop, IEEE DTPI, October 2022.

    Deep Learning-based Localization in Limited Data Regimes
    Frost Mitchell, Aniqua Baset, Neal Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Aditya Bhaskara
    In Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning (WiseML), May 2022.

    Utilizing a Blockchain for Managing Sensor Metadata in Exposure Health Studies
    Aarushi Sarbhai, R. Gouripeddi, P. Lundrigan, P. Chidamdaram, A. Saha, R. Madsen, J. Facelli, K. Sward, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of Intermountain Engineering, Technology, and Computing Conference, May 2022.

    Uncoordinated Spectrum Sharing in Millimeter Wave Networks Using Carrier Sensing
    Shamik Sarkar, Xiang Zhang, Arupjyoti Bhuyan, Mingyue Ji, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, April 2022.

    Secure mmWave Spectrum Sharing with Autonomous Beam Scheduling for 5G and Beyond
    Arupjyoti Bhuyan, Mingyue Ji, Xiang Zhang, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Shamik Sarkar
    Accepted to appear in Proceedings of IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference, April 2022.

    Deep Learning-based Localization in Limited Data Regimes
    Frost Mitchell, Aniqua Baset, Neal Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Aditya Bhaskara
    Accepted to appear in Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Wireless Security and Machine Learning (WiseML 2022), May 2022.

    AviSense: A Real-time System for Detection, Classification, and Analysis of Aviation Signals
    A. Baset, C. Becker, K. Derr, S. Sarkar, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    Accepted to appear in the ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, March 2022.

    A Non-Cooperative Game-Based Distributed Beam Scheduling for 5G mm-Wave Networks
    Xiang Zhang, Shamik Sarkar, Arupjyoti Bhuyan, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Mingyue Ji
    In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 1, pages 489-504, January 2022.

    A Q-Learning-Based Approach for Distributed Beam Scheduling in mm-Wave Networks
    Xiang Zhang, Shamik Sarkar, Arupjyoti Bhuyan, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Mingyue Ji
    In Proceedings of the IEEE DySPAN Conference, December 2021.

    A Novel Software Defined Radio for Practical, Mobile Crowdsourced Spectrum Sensing
    Phillip Smith, A. Luong, Shamik Sarkar, Harsimran Singh, Aarti Singh, Neal Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Kurt Derr
    Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
    DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2021.3107409.

    A Non-Cooperative Game-Based Approach to Distributed Beam Scheduling in mm-Wave Networks
    Xiang Zhang, Shamik Sarkar, Arupjyoti Bhuyan, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Mingyue Ji
    In Proceedings of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, November 2021.

    Powder: Platform for Open Wireless Data-driven Experimental Research
    Joe Breen, Andy Buffmire, Jonathon Duerig, Kevin Dutt, Eric Eide, Mike Hibler, David Johnson, Sneha Kumar Kasera, Earl Lewis, Dustin Maas, Alex Orange, Neal Patwari, Dan Reading, Robert Ricci, David Schurig, Leigh Stoller, Kobus Van der Merwe, Kirk Webb, Gary Wong
    In Computer Networks, vol. 197, October 2021.

    How to Get Away with MoRTr: MIMO Beam Altering for Radio Window Privacy
    Syed Ayaz Mahmud, Neal Patwari, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Smart Systems (IEEE MASS), October 2021.

    DeepRadar: A Deep-Learning-based Environmental Sensing Capability Sensor Design for CBRS
    Shamik Sarkar, Milind Buddhikot, Aniqua Baset, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of the ACM Sigmobile 27th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), October 2021.

    WiMatch: Wireless Resource Matchmaking
    Kirk Webb, Kobus Van der Merwe, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Neal Patwari
    In the Workshop on Computer and Networking Experimental Research Using Testbeds (CNERT), May 2021.

    Quantifying Interference-Assisted Signal Strength Surveillance of Sound Vibrations
    Alemayehu S. Abrar, Neal Patwari, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 16, pages 2018-2030, December 2020.

    Spectrum Sharing in CBRS Using Blockchain
    Pavithra Chidambaram, Aarushi Sarbhai, Aniqua Baset, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Smart Systems (IEEE MASS), December 2020.

    Enabling Uncoordinated Spectrum Sharing in Millimeter Wave Networks Using Carrier Sensing
    Shamik Sarkar, Xiang Zhang, Arupjyoti Bhuyan, Mingyue Ji, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceeding of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, November 2020.

    A Stochastic Optimization Framework for Distributed Beam Scheduling in 5G mm-Wave Networks over non-cooperative Operators
    Xiang Zhang, Shamik Sarkar, Arupjyoti Bhuyan, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and Mingyue Ji
    In Proceeding of the Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, November 2020.

    Spectrum Monitoring and Source Separation in POWDER
    B. Terry, N. Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and K. Van der Merwe
    In Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Wireless Networks Testbed, Experimental Evaluation, and Characterization (WiNTECH), September 2020.

    Powder: Platform for Open Wireless Data-driven Experimental Research
    Joe Breen, Andy Buffmire, Jonathon Duerig, Kevin Dutt, Eric Eide, Mike Hibler, David Johnson, Sneha Kumar Kasera, Earl Lewis, Dustin Maas, Alex Orange, Neal Patwari, Dan Reading, Robert Ricci, David Schurig, Leigh Stoller, Kobus Van der Merwe, Kirk Webb, Gary Wong
    In Proceedings of ACM Workshop on Wireless Networks Testbed, Experimental Evaluation, and Characterization (WiNTECH), September 2020.

    LLOCUS: Learning-Based Localization Using Crowdsourcing
    S. Sarkar, A. Baset, H. Singh, P. Smith, N. Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, K. Derr, and Sam Ramirez
    In Proceedings of ACM International Symposium on Theory, Algorithmic Foundations, and Protocol Design for Mobile Networks and Mobile Computing (MOBIHOC), October 2020.

    Auto-Scaling Cloud-Based Memory-Intensive Applications
    J. Novak, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and R. Stutsman
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD), October 2020.

    A Plug-n-Play Game Theoretic Framework For Defending Against Radio Window Attacks
    P. M. Wijewardena, A. Bhaskara, A. Mahmud, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and N. Patwari
    In Proceedings of 13th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WISEC), July 2020.

    Exposure Health Informatics Ecosystem
    R. Gouripeddi, P. Lundrigan, S. Kasera, S. Collingwood, M. Cummins, J.C. Facelli, and K. Sward
    In: K.A. Phillips, D.P. Yamamoto, L. Racz, editors. Total Exposure Health. 1st ed. CRC Press; 2020. p. 233–78, May 2020.

    Cyber-Physical Power System Resilience Testbed: Architecture and Applications
    M. Khan, A. Palomino, J. Brugman, J. Giraldo, Sneha K. Kasera, and M. Parvania
    In IEEE Computer, May 2020.

    Secrets in Source Code: Reducing False Positives Using Machine Learning
    A. Saha, T. Denning, V. Srikumar, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), January 2020.

    Sitara: Spectrum Measurement Goes Mobile Through Crowdsourcing
    P. Smith, A. Luong, Shamik Sarkar, Harsimran Singh, N. Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, K. Derr, and S. Ramirez
    In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Smart Systems (IEEE MASS), November 2019.

    Towards Wireless Environment Cognizance by Incremental Learning
    A. Baset, C. Becker, K. Derr, S. Ramirez, A. Bhaskara, and Sneha Kumar Kasera,
    In Proceedings of the 16th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Ad-hoc and Smart Systems (IEEE MASS), November 2019.

    Plug and Play Flexible Signal Classification and Processing System
    C. Becker, K. Derr, S. Ramirez, A. Baset, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of Resilience Week Symposium, November 2019.

    Cloud-Based Intrusion Detection and Prevention System Using Software Defined Networking
    J. Brugman, M. Khan, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and M. Parvania
    In Proceedings of Resilience Week Symposium, November 2019.

    On-Off Noise Power Communication
    P. Lundrigan, N. Patwari, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of the ACM Sigmobile 25th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), October 2019.

    Cloud Functions for Fast and Robust Resource Auto-Scaling
    J. Novak, R. Stutsman, and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), January 2019.

    Privacy-Aware Peak Load Reduction in Smart Homes
    A. Sarbhai, J. Van der Merwe, and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), January 2019.

    Scheduling Virtual WiFi Interfaces for Live Video Upstreaming Using Multipath TCP
    Shobhi Maheshwari, P. Lundrigan, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, January 2019.
    *Best paper award in the Networking track*

    Privacy Enabled Noise Free Data Collection in Vehicular Networks
    Anuj Dimri, Harsimran Singh, Shamik Sarkar, Sneha Kumar Kasera, Neal Patwari, Aditya Bhaskara, Kurt Derr, and Samuel Ramirez
    In Proceedings of IEEE 15th International Conference on Mobile Ad Hoc and Sensor Systems (MASS), October 2018.

    Privacy Enabled Crowdsourced Transmitter Localization Using Adjusted Measurement
    H. Singh, Shamik Sarkar, A. Dimri, A. Bhaskara, N. Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, K. Derr, and S. Ramirez
    In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Privacy-Aware Computing (PAC), September 2018.

    An In-Home IoT Architecture for Epidemiological Deployments
    P. Lundrigan, K. Min, N. Patwari, Sneha Kumar Kasera, K. Kelly, J. Moore, M. Meyer, S.C. Collingwood, F. Nkoy, B. Stone, and K. Sward
    In IEEE Workshop on Practical Issues in Building Sensor Network Applications (SenseApp), September 2018.

    Experiences with Using GNU Radio for Real-Time Wireless Signal Classification
    C. Becker, A. Baset, Sneha Kumar Kasera, K. Derr, and S. Ramirez
    In Proceedings of the GNU Radio Conference, 2018.

    STRAP: Secure Transfer of Association Protocol
    P. Lundrigan, N. Patwari, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In the Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCN), 2018.

    Enabling WiFi in Open Access Networks
    S. Sarkar, C. Becker, J. Kunz, A. Sarbhai, G. Annasamymani, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and K. Van der Merwe
    In the 4th ACM Workshop on Hot Topics in Wireless (HotWireless’17), October 2017.

    Simultaneous Power-Based Localization of Transmitters for Crowdsourced Spectrum Monitoring
    M. Khaledi, M.Khaledi, S. Sarkar, Sneha Kumar Kasera, N. Patwari, K. Derr and S. Ramirez
    In Proceedings of the ACM Sigmobile 23rd International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), October 2017.

    Orchestrating the Data-Plane of Virtual Core LTE Networks
    R. Mahindra, A. Banerjee, K. Sundresan, Sneha Kumar Kasera, K. Van der Merwe, and S. Rangarajan
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communications, and Networking (SECON), June 2017.

    Auto-tuning Active Queue Management
    J. Novak and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS), January 2017.

    Preserving Location Privacy in Radio Networks Using a Stackelberg Game Framework
    M. Khaledi, M. Khaledi, S.K. Kasera, and N. Patwari
    In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security in Wireless and Mobile Networks, November 2016.

    Profitable Task Allocation in Mobile Cloud Computing
    M. Khaledi, M. Khaledi, and S.K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of the 12th ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security in Wireless and Mobile Networks, November 2016.

    Mobile Live Video Upstreaming
    P. Lundrigan, M. Khaledi, M. Kano, N.D. Subramanyam, and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of the 28th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), September 2016.

    OpenEdge: A Dynamic and Secure Open Edge Service Network
    J. Kunz, C. Becker, M. Jamshidy, Sneha Kumar Kasera, R. Ricci, and K. Van der Merwe
    In Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), April 2016.

    KnowNet: Towards a Knowledge Plane for Enterprise Network Management
    R. Quinn, J. Kunz, A. Syed, Sneha Kumar Kasera, R. Ricci, and K. Van der Merwe
    In Proceedings of IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS), April 2016.

    Detecting and Localizing Spectrum Offenders Using Crowdsourcing
    Sneha Kumar Kasera, J. Phillips, and N. Patwari
    IEEE DySPAN Workshop on Foundations in Spectrum Management Research, September 2015.

    Scaling the LTE Control-Plane for Future Mobile Access
    A. Banerjee, R. Mahindra, K. Sundresan, Sneha Kumar Kasera, K. Van der Merwe, and S. Rangarajan
    In Proceedings of ACM CoNEXT, December 2015.

    Efficient, Adaptive, Scalable Device Activation for M2M Communications
    A. Banerjee, B. Nguyen, V. Gopalakrishnan, Sneha Kumar Kasera, S. Lee, and K. Van der Merwe
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communications, and Networking (SECON), June 2015.

    Exploiting Altruism in Social Networks for Friend-to-Friend Malware Detection
    M. Probst, J.C. Park, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS), October 2014.

    Violating Privacy Through Walls by Passive Monitoring of Radio Windows
    A. Banerjee, D. Maas, M. Bocca, N. Patwari, and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    In Proceedings of the 7th ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec), July 2014.

    Towards Understanding TCP Performance on LTE/EPC Mobile Networks
    B. Nguyen, A. Banerjee, V. Gopalakrishna, S.J. Lee, Sneha Kumar Kasera, A. Shaikh, and J. Van der Merwe
    In Proceedings of the 4th ACM Sigcomm Workshop on All Things Cellular: Operations, Applications, and Challenges, August 2014.

    Secret Key Extraction Using Bluetooth Wireless Signal Strength Measurements
    S. N. Premnath, P. Lakshmane Gowda, Sneha Kumar Kasera, N. Patwari, and R. Ricci
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communications, and Networking (SECON), June 2014.

    Energy Efficient Radio Tomographic Imaging
    M. Khaledi, Sneha Kumar Kasera, N. Patwari, M. Bocca
    In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communications, and Networking (SECON), June 2014.

    Efficient High Rate Secret Key Extraction in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Collaboration
    S. N. Premnath, J. Croft, N. Patwari, and Sneha K. Kasera,
    In ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, October 2013.

    Monitoring Breathing via Signal Strength in Wireless Networks
    N. Patwari, J. Wilson, S. Ananthanarayana, Sneha K. Kasera, D. Westenskow
    In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, August 2013.

    Preventing Wireless Network Configuration Errors in Patient Monitoring Using Device Fingerprints
    J. Novak, S. Kasera, N. Patwari
    In the 4th IEEE International Workshop on Data Security and Privacy in Wireless Networks, June 2013.

    Beyond OFDM: Best Effort Dynamic Spectrum Access Using Filterbank Multicarrier
    S.N. Premnath, D. Wasden, Sneha K. Kasera, N. Patwari, B. Farhang-Boroujeny
    In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 21, no. 3, June 2013.

    Secret Key Extraction from Wireless Signal Strength in Real Environments
    S. N. Premnath, S. Jana, J. Croft, P. Lakshmane Gowda, M. Clark, Sneha K. Kasera, N. Patwari, S. V. Krishnamurthy
    In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 12, no. 5, May 2013.

    RF-based Device-free Localization and Tracking for Ambient Assisted Living
    M. Bocca, S. Gupta, O. Kaltiokallio, B. Mager, Q. Tate, S.K. Kasera, N. Patwari, S. Venkatasubramanian
    Evaluating AAL Systems through Competitive Benchmarking (EvAAL) Workshop, September 2012.

    Detecting Receiver Attacks in VRTI-based Device Free Localization
    A. Banerjee, M. Maheshwari, N. Patwari, and Sneha K. Kasera
    In the 3rd IEEE International Workshop on Data Security and Privacy in Wireless Networks, June 2012.

    Beyond OFDM: Best-Effort Dynamic Spectrum Access Using Filterbank Multicarrier
    S. N. Premnath, S. K. Kasera, N. Patwari, and B. Farhang-Boroujeny
    In Proceedings of COMSNETS, January 2012.

    Experimental Performance Evaluation of Location Distinction for MIMO Links
    D. Maas, N. Patwari, S. K. Kasera, D. Wasden, and M. Jensen
    In Proceedings of COMSNETS, January 2012.

    Channel Sounding for the Masses: Low Complexity GNU 802.11b Channel Impulse Response Estimation
    D. Maas, M. H. Firooz, J. Zhang, N. Patwari, Sneha K. Kasera
    In IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 11, no. 1, pages 1-8, January 2012.

    Efficient Dynamic Spectrum Access in Vehicular Networks using Filterbank Multicarrier
    S. N. Premnath, Sneha K. Kasera, N. Patwari, and B. Farhang-Boroujeny
    In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief, December 2011.

    Emergency Service in WiFi Networks Without Access Point Association
    M. Seth, S. K. Kasera, and R. Ricci
    In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Wireless Technologies for Humanitarian Relief, December 2011.

    Detecting Malicious Nodes in RSS-based Localization
    M. Maheshwari, S. Ananthanarayanan, A. Banerjee, N. Patwari, and Sneha K. Kasera
    In the 2nd IEEE International Workshop on Data Security and Privacy in Wireless Networks, June 2011.

    Distinguishing Locations Across Perimeters Using Wireless Link Measurements
    J. Zhang, Sneha K. Kasera, N. Patwari, and P. Rai
    In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom, April 2011.

    Temporal Link Signature Measurements for Location Distinction
    N. Patwari and Sneha K. Kasera
    In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 10, no. 3, pages 449-462, March 2011.

    SocialSwarm: Exploiting Distance in Social Networks for Collaborative Flash File Distribution
    M. Probst, J.C. Park, R. Abraham, Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), October 2010.

    On the Impact of MIMO Diversity on Higher Layer Performance
    E. Gelal, K. Pelechrinis, I. Broustis, S. Krishnamurthy, S. Mohammed, A. Chokalingam, and Sneha K. Kasera
    In the 30th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), June 2010.

    Robust Uncorrelated Bit Extraction Methodologies for Wireless Sensors
    J. Croft, N. Patwari, and Sneha K. Kasera
    In the 9th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks, April 2010.

    Mobility Assisted Secret Key Generation Using Wireless Link Signatures
    J. Zhang, Sneha K. Kasera, and N. Patwari
    In the 29th IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), Mini-conference, March 2010.

    On Fast and Accurate Detection of Unauthorized Access Points Using Clock Skews
    S. Jana and Sneha K. Kasera
    In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 9, no. 3, pages 449-462, March 2010.

    High-Rate Uncorrelated Bit Extraction for Shared Secret Key Generation from Channel Measurements
    N. Patwari, J. Croft, S. Jana, and Sneha K. Kasera
    In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 9, no. 1, pages 17-30, January 2010.

    Robust Networks Overload Control During Disasters
    Sneha K. Kasera
    In IEEE Workshop on Telecommunications Infrastructure Protection and Security (TIPS), December 2009.

    Cross Layer Multirate Adaptation Using Physical Capture
    J.C. Park, Sneha K. Kasera, and N. Patwari
    In Proceedings of IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), December 2009.

    On the Effectiveness of Secret Key Extraction Using Wireless Signal Strength in Real Environments
    S. Jana, S. N. Premnath, M. Clark, Sneha. K. Kasera, N. Patwari, and S. V. Krishnamurthy
    In Proceedings of ACM Sigmobile 15th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), September 2009.

    Location Distinction in a MIMO Channel
    Maas, N. Patwari, J. Zhang, Sneha K. Kasera, and M. Jensen
    In Virginia Tech Symposium on Wireless Personal Communications, June 2009.

    Reduced Packet Probing Multi-rate Adaptation for Multi-hop Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
    J.C. Park and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), June 2009.

    On Fast and Accurate Detection of Unauthorized Access Points Using Clock Skews
    S. Jana and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of ACM Sigmobile 14th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), September 2008.

    Advancing Link Signatures for Location Distinction
    J. Zhang, M.H. Firooz, N. Patwari, and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of ACM Sigmobile 14th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), September 2008.

    On Implementing Security at the Transport Layer
    S. Pichumani and Sneha K. Kasera
    In the Third International Conference on Communication System Software and Middleware (COMSWARE), January 2008.

    Statistical Trust Establishment in Wireless Sensor Networks
    M. Probst and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS), December 2007.

    Best Effort Session-level Congestion Control
    S. Ramesh and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), October 2007.

    Robust Location Distinction Using Temporal Link Signatures
    N. Patwari and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of ACM Sigmobile 13th International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (MOBICOM), September 2007.

    A Connection Oriented Internet Architecture to Restrict Reachability
    Sneha K. Kasera
    In IEEE LANMAN Workshop, June 2007.

    The Flexlab Approach to Realistic Evaluation of Networked Systems
    J. Duerig, R. Ricci, D. Gebhardt, J. Zhang, Sneha K. Kasera and J. Lepreau
    In Proceedings of 4th Usenix Symposium on Network System Design and Implementation (NSDI), April 2007.

    Securing Ad hoc Wireless Networks against Data Injection Attacks Using Firewalls
    J. C. Park and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 2007.

    A Realistic, Controlled, and Friendly Environment for Evaluating Networked Systems
    J. Duerig, R. Ricci, J. Zhang, Sneha K. Kasera and J. Lepreau
    In the 5th Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HOTNETS-V), November 2006.

    Robust Multiclass Signaling Overload Control
    Sneha K. Kasera, Jose Pinheiro, Catherine Loader, Tom LaPorta, Mehmet Karaul and Adiseshu Hari
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), November 2005.

    FairMAC: Fair Sharing of Multi-access Channels in WLAN Hotspots
    P. Sinha, Y. Shavitt, R. Ramjee, D. Raz and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication Networks (ICCCN), October 2005.

    Expected Data Rate: An Accurate High Throughput Path Metric for Multi-hop Wireless Networks
    J.C. Park and Sneha K. Kasera
    InProceedings of IEEE Conference on Sensor and Ad hoc Network Communications and Networks (SECON), September 2005.

    Congestion Control Policies for IP Based CDMA Radio Access Networks
    Sneha K. Kasera, R. Ramjee, S. Thuel and X. Wang
    In IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 4, no. 4, pages 349-362, July-August 2005.

    Enhancing Cellular Multicast Performance Using Ad hoc Networks
    J.C. Park and Sneha K. Kasera
    InProceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), March 2005.

    Profitable Multicast Business Model
    Sneha K. Kasera, Raymond E. Miller and Markus Hoffman
    In Computer Communications Journal, vol. 27, no. 13, pages 1278-1287, August 2004.

    Improving Reliable Multicast Using Active Parity Encoding Services
    D. Rubenstein, Sneha K. Kasera, Don Towsley and Jim Kurose
    In Computer Networks Journal, vol. 44, no. 1, January 2004.

    On Securely Enabling Intermediary Based Services and Performance Enhancements for Wireless Mobile Users
    Sneha K. Kasera, S. Mizikovsky, G. Sundaram and T. Woo
    In Proceedings of ACM Wireless Security Workshop (WISE), September 2003.

    Robust Router Congestion Control Using Acceptance and Departure Rate Measures
    Gopalakrishnan, Sneha K. Kasera, C. Loader and X. Wang
    In Proceedings of International Teletraffic Congress (ITC), September 2003.

    Congestion Control Policies for IP Based CDMA Radio Access Networks
    Sneha K. Kasera, R. Ramjee, S. Thuel and X. Wang
    In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM)), April 2003.

    IP Paging Service for Mobile Hosts
    R. Ramjee, Li Li, Tom LaPorta and Sneha K. Kasera
    In ACM/Springer Wireless Networks Journal, vol. 8, no. 5, pages 427-441, September 2002.

    Fast and Robust Signaling Overload Control
    Sneha K. Kasera, Jose Pinheiro and Catherine Loader, Mehmet Karaul, Adiseshu Hari, Tom LaPorta
    In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP), November 2001.

    Reliable Multicast in Multi-access Wireless LANs
    Joy Kuri and Sneha K. Kasera
    In ACM/Springer Wireless Networks Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, pages 359-369, July 2001.

    IP Paging Service for Mobile Hosts
    R. Ramjee, Li Li, Tom LaPorta and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of ACM Sigmobile International Conference on Mobile computing and Networking (MOBICOM), July 2001.

    Buffer Requirements and Replacement Policies for Multicast Repair Service
    Sneha K. Kasera, Jim Kurose and Don Towsley
    In Proceedings of 2nd Network Group Communication Workshop (NGC), November 2000.

    Scalable Reliable Multicast Using Multiple Multicast Channels
    Sneha K. Kasera, Gisli Hjalmtysson, Don Towsley and Jim Kurose
    In IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 8, no. 3, pages 294-310, July 2000.

    Scalable Fair Reliable Multicast Using Active Services
    Sneha K. Kasera, S. Bhattacharyya, Mark Keaton, Diane Kiwior, Jim Kurose, Don Towsley and Steve Zabele
    In IEEE Network (special issue on multicast), vol. 15, no. 1, pages 48-57, January-February 2000.

    Dynamic Activation and Deactivation of Repair Servers in a Multicast Tree
    Per-Oddvar Osland, Sneha K. Kasera, Jim Kurose and Don Towsley
    In Proceedings of Norwegian Computer Science Conference (NIK ’99), November 1999.

    Improving Reliable Multicast Using Active Parity Encoding Services
    D. Rubenstein, Sneha K. Kasera, Don Towsley and Jim Kurose
    In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), March 1999.

    Reliable Multicast in Multi-access Wireless LANs
    Joy Kuri and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), March 1999.

    A Comparison of Server Based and Receiver Based Local Recovery Approaches for Scalable Reliable Multicast
    Sneha K. Kasera, Jim Kurose and Don Towsley
    In Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), March 1998.

    Scalable Reliable Multicast Using Multiple Multicast Groups
    Sneha K. Kasera, Jim Kurose and Don Towsley
    In Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems (SIGMETRICS), June 1997.

    A High Performance Multimedia Server for Broadband Network Environment
    M. Kumar, J. Kouloheris, M. McHugh and Sneha K. Kasera
    In Proceedings of Multimedia Computing and Networking Conference, IS&T/SPIE, January 1996.

  • Auto-Scaling Cloud-Based Memory-Intensive Applications
    J. Novak, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and R. Stutsman
    U.S. Patent, 11, 307,859, April 2022.

    Wireless Signal Monitoring and Analysis, and Related Methods, Systems, and Devices
    Kurt Derr, Sam Ramirez, Sneha K. Kasera, C. Becker, and A. Baset
    U.S. Patent 11,251,889, February 2022.

    Open Access Network Secure Authentication Systems and Methods
    C. Becker, Sneha Kumar Kasera, and J. van der Merwe
    U.S. Patent 10,164,958, December 2018.

    Adaptive group paging for a communication network
    V. Gopalakrishnan, S. Lee, J. Van der Merwe, A. Banerjee, and Sneha K. Kasera
    U.S. Patent 9,843,923, December 2017.

    Programmable Data Network Management and Operation
    J. van der Merwe, R. Ricci, Sneha Kumar Kasera, M. Strum, R. Peterson, J. Peterson
    U.S. Patent 9,667,495, May 2017.

    Auto-tuning Active Queue Management
    Joe Novak and Sneha Kumar Kasera
    U.S. Patent 9,525,568, December 2016.

    Method and System for Detecting Unauthorized Wireless Access Points Using Clock Skews
    Suman Jana and Sneha K. Kasera
    U.S. Patent 9,049,225, June 2015.

    Robust Location Distinction Using Temporal Link Signatures
    N. Patwari and Sneha K. Kasera
    U.S. Patent 8,989,764, March 2015.

    Method and System for High Rate Uncorrelated Shared Secret Bit Extraction from Wireless Link Characteristics
    N. Patwari, J. Croft, S. Jana, and Sneha K. Kasera
    U.S. Patent 8,515,061, August 2013.

    Method and System for Secret Key Exchange Using Wireless Link Characteristics and Random Device Movement
    Sneha K. Kasera, N. Patwari, J. Croft. S. Jana
    U.S. Patent 8,503,673, August 2013.

    Fast and Robust Signaling Overload Control
    Sneha K. Kasera, J. Pinheiro, C. Loader, M. Karaul. A. Hari and T. LaPorta
    U.S. Patent 7,792,252, June 2010..

    Fair Sharing of Multi-access Channels
    Sneha K. Kasera, P. Sinha, Y. Shavitt, R. Ramachandran, D. Raz
    U.S. Patent 7317686, January 2008.

    Additive Increase Multiplicative Decrease Overload Control Using Outstanding Queue Probes
    Sneha K. Kasera, C. Loader, J. Pinheiro, A. Hari, M. Karaul, B. Joseph, R. Latimer
    U.S. Patent 6907115, June 2005.

  • Securely Enabling Intermediary-based Transport Services
    U. Blumenthal, I. Faynberg, S. Kasera, S. Mizikovsky, S. Norden, G.S. Sundaram and T. Woo
    Internet-Draft draft-blumenthal-intermediary-transport-01.txt, October 2003.

    Securely Enabling Intermediary-based Transport Services
    U. Blumenthal, I. Faynberg, S. Kasera, S. Mizikovsky, G.S. Sundaram and T. Woo
    Internet-Draft draft-blumenthal-intermediary-transport-00.txt, June 2003.

    Intermediary-Based Transport Services, Performance Optimizations, and Their Relevant Requirements
    I. Faynberg, Sneha K. Kasera, S. Mizikovsky, G. Sundaram and T. Woo
    Internet-Draft draft-faynberg-intermediary-transport-00.txt, February 2003.

    IP Encapsulating Security Variable Payload (ESVP)
    Sneha K. Kasera, Editor
    Internet-Draft draft-kasera-esvp-00.txt, October 2002.

  • Securely Enabling Intermediary Based Services (Part 1)
    Sneha K. Kasera, S. Mizikovsky, G. Sundaram and T. Woo
    In Wireless Security Perspectives, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 2004.

    Securely Enabling Intermediary Based Services (Part 2)
    Sneha K. Kasera, S. Mizikovsky, G. Sundaram and T. Woo
    In Wireless Security Perspectives, Vol. 6, No. 2, February 2004.

    Continuous Feedback Overload Control Algorithms for the UMTS Softswitch
    C. Loader, J. Pinheiro and Sneha K. Kasera
    Bell Labs Technical Memorandum 10009628-010201-01TM, February 2001.

    Scalable Reliable Multicast in Wide Area Networks
    Sneha K. Kasera
    PhD disseration, 1999.

    Measurement of Join Latency on the MBone
    A. Garg, Sneha K. Kasera, R. Kumar and Don Towsley
    Computer Science Department Technical Report, CMPSCI TR99-47, University of Massachusetts, August 1999.

    Exploring the Dynamic Behavior of the Internet Using IP Options
    Sneha K. Kasera, Jim Kurose and Don Towsley
    Computer Science Department Technical Report, CMPSCI TR96-12, University of Massachusetts, February 1996.

    A High Performance Multimedia Server for Broadband Network Environment
    M. Kumar, J. Kouloheris, M. McHugh and Sneha K. Kasera
    IBM Research Report, RC 20059, May 1995.